General information
General information about Costa Rica. Costa Rica is unique in having more of its territory protected in national parks, biological reserves, and wildlife refuges than any other nation on earth. A dozen distinct eco-systems, all within less than a day’s drive of each other, contain tremendous tropical biodiversity. With friendly people, an exceptionally good infrastructure for a developing nation, and great beaches too, isn’t it time that you discovered all we have to offer?
Costa Rica is a small mountainous country on the narrow Central American isthmus. It’s only a day’s drive from its northern border with Nicaragua to neighboring Panama in the south, and one could cross from ocean to ocean in only a few hours. But why hurry? There’s just too much to see and do in between. Located in the Central Standard Time Zone, Costa Rica does not observe daylight savings time.
Climate | General Information
The climate is idyllic. In the lowlands – which are dry in the Pacific northwest and humid elsewhere – daytime temperatures range in the eighties to nineties F° (high twenties to mid-twenties C°) at middle elevations. The mercury can fall as low as the forties and fifties F° (five to mid teens C°) at the top of the mountains. Night time frost is an uncommon occurrence on the highest peaks. Within each elevational range, temperatures remain relatively constant year-round. Rainfall, on the other hand, is subject to annual and regional patterns. The northwest has a fairly well-defined dry season (“verano” or summer) from November to April. The dry season is a month or two shorter along the southern Pacific coast. July also tends to be a dry month on the Pacific slope. Welcome rains during the balance of the year bring about a general greening and refreshing of the countryside. Rains usually come in afternoon cloudbursts, leaving the mornings sunny and the nights sky filled with stars. This period is called “invierno” (winter or rainy season) or “temporada verde” (green season). Rainfall on the Caribbean slope is more evenly distributed throughout the year, with marked dry periods in May-June and again in September-October.
Natural attractions
General information. Each year, Costa Ricans welcome thousands of visitors to share the peaceful beauty and natural treasures of their country where tropical nature has reached its greatest expression.
National parks and reserves are open to the public at government established fees. Private reserves set their own entrance rates.
An impressive 22,647 miles (36,447 km.) of roads plus well-developed nature trail systems give easy access to every habitat and all but the most remote areas. You can drive to the very edge of a volcanic crater, through the heart of a mountain jungle, take an aerial tram ride in the rainforest canopy and soak up sun on a deserted beach, all on the same day.
Costa Ricans have preserved this invaluable biodiversity in protected areas covering fully one quarter of the land and organized into major units called Conservation Arias. No other country in the world has so much actively protected area per capita. Costa Rica is often cited as a model for conservation in harmony with community development and economic growth.
Costa Rica’s nine active volcanoes vividly remind visitors of the awesome power contained by the earth’s thin mantle. At Irazú Volcano, it is easy to see why School Celebration in Costa Rica Neil Armstrong said that its desolate landscape looks like the surface of the moon. Anyone peering into Poás mammoth crater with its boiling, sulfurous lake, is reminded just how tenuous is man’s supposed dominion over the world.
Arenal, most active and no doubt the most studied of all Costa Rica’s volcanoes, booms and rumbles with an unnerving consistency and its nocturnal pyrotechnics strike awe in the hearts of thousands of observers. On the lower slopes of Rincón de la Vieja, the power is vented in boiling mud pots, hissing puddles and thermal streams.
The non-volcanic Talamancas are ruggedly beautiful and contain two of the nation’s tallest peaks. The Inter-American highway, crossing the 11,453 ft. (3,491 m.) Cerro de la Muerte, reaches over 9,843 feet (3,000 m.), passing through highland forests of Costa Rican Oak and the only road-accessible “páramo” vegetation in the country.
To see evidence of the glacier that topped 12,533 ft. (3,820 m.) at Chirripó during the last ice age requires a 9 hour hike and cold weather camping. But it’s definitely worth the effort.
Cloud Forest: The forests on the upper slopes of Costa Rica’s mountains and volcanoes are frequently draped in mist and clouds. Algae, mosses and lichens get a foothold on the constantly wet surfaces, providing places for orchids, bromeliads, ferns and innumerable other plants to cling to. So prolific is these “epiphytic” growth in the cloud forest that bare branches are virtually non-existent. Sometimes harsh conditions such as prevailing winds and supersaturated soils cause the forest to be stunted – like the elfin forest at Monteverde’s continental divide or the gnarly, dwarf woods at the summit of Poás Volcano.
The cloud forest captures the imagination of even the most cynical among us. It emanates a sense of ancient and enduring life. Of peace. Sitting quietly overhead, its long feathery tail swaying gently in the breeze, is a scarlet and emerald bird that seems to embody the spirit of the cloud forest. Aptly named, the Resplendent Quetzal is considered by many to be the most beautiful bird in the world.
Rain Forest: In the foothills and lowlands of both slopes, Costa Rica’s rainforests harbor thousands of known life forms and thousands more yet to be described. They are among the last strongholds of biodiversity on earth. Resonating with the songs of birds at dawn, the rainforest is quiet in the heart of the day, its stillness punctuated by the insect-like call of poison dart frogs, the rasping of cicadas or the whistled notes of wrens and antbirds.
Biodiversity | General information
Costa Rica is blessed with tremendous biodiversity and the lush radiance of its rich tropical settings.
Flora and Fauna: This tropical country, dotted with mountains and volcanoes, boasts a tremendous variety of biodiversity, from lush rain and cloud forests to mountain pastures and large plantations. More than 1,000 varieties of orchids can be found here, including La Guaria Morada, the national flower. Costa Rica’s fabulous fauna includes the jaguar, puma, and agouti, the Atlantic green turtle, three species of monkey, the American crocodile, caiman and the two and three-toed sloth, just to name a few. More than 845 species of birds are found in Costa Rica.
Our people
Costa Rica’s richness also lies on the cultural diversity of our people. Throughout our history, to the indigenous population of pre-Hispanic origins have been added movements of immigrants which settled in these lands, making it their home. Populations of European origin, Spanish mainly, persons of African and Asian ascendance, as well as people from different places of the American continent, have interacted among them, enriching the cultural backgrounds in the process.
Currently, besides the predominant half-breed component, there are ethnical-national groups and colonies of immigrants recovering their particular cultural heritage: African descendants, Chinese, Hebrew, Lebanese, Italian, etc.; as well as the indigenous populations of the Bribri, Cabecar, Maleku, Teribe, Boruca, Ngöbe, Huetar and Chorotega.
Heritage and Culture
Costa Rican culture is in many ways a reflection of its racial diversity. The predominant influence has long been European, which is reflected in everything from the official language — Spanish — to the architecture of the country’s churches and other historic buildings. The indigenous influence is less visible, but can be found in everything from the tortillas that make part of a typical Costa Rican meal, to the handmade ceramics sold at roadside stands.
An important aspect of Costa Rica’s cultural legacy is their love for peace and democracy.
The Ticos like to stand out that their nation is the exception in Latin America, where military dictatorships have long dominated politics. They take pride in having more than one hundred years of democratic tradition, and almost half a century without an army. The army was abolished in 1948, and the money the country saves by not expending in military issues is invested in improving the Costa Ricans’ standard of living, which has fostered a culture of social peace that makes it such a pleasant place to visit.
Costa Rican Cuisine
General information. Costa Rican cuisine is simple and spices tend to be shunned. Comida típica, or native dishes rely heavily on rice and beans, the basis of many Costa Rican meals, and home-style cooking predominates. Meals are generally wholesome and reasonably priced. Gallo Pinto, the national dish of fried rice and black bean, is ubiquitous, particularly as a breakfast staple. Many other meals are derivatives such as arroz con pollo (rice and chicken) or arroz con tuna.
Food staples include beef, chicken, and fish. Costa Rica exports most of its seafood. As a result seafood such as shrimp or lobster is relatively expensive.
Travelers with low budget should stick with the casado on lunch time menus, or ‘plato del día’. Eating in Costa Rica doesn’t present the health problems that plague the unwary traveler elsewhere in Central America.
Costa Rica has no national drink, but very popular in the cultural tradition of drinks are Horchata, a cinnamon flavored cornmeal drink, Chan, a slimy drink made of seeds, Linaza, which is popularly used to cure indigestion, and Fresco de Frutas, which is basically a fruit salad floating on a base of kola and water, delicious!!
Dining in Costa Rica is a leisurely experience, befitting the relaxed pace of a genteel vacation.
The official language is Spanish in Costa Rica. Most people speak English. You can also find people who speak German, French and Italian.
Knowledge of the basics hello (Hola) and thanks (Gracias) goes a long way. Try to learn a few phrases and numbers before you come. English is spoken in most areas where tourism exist.
In a few words
CRS Tours designs vacation packages that cater to your specific needs. If you are looking for a Costa Rica family package, please visit our Costa Rica Family Vacation Packages section. If Adventure is what you expect, Costa Rica is the perfect place, jungles, whitewater rafting, canopy, horseback riding and so much more can be found at our Costa Rica Adventure Tours section. Our Costa Rica Vacation Packages offers you the possibility to visit beaches, jungles, volcanoes, wildlife and a wide array of nature experiences in just a short time. If a customized package is desired, we recommend to visit the Costa Rica Self Drive Tours section and you also have the choice of selecting one of our Costa Rica Tours including Transfers. If the two of you love stunning, exotic landscapes and a vast array of unique activities in a country known for promoting ecotourism, the Costa Rica honeymoon offers the romantic get-a-way of a lifetime!
Costa Rica General information